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Forthcoming events

March Event


Author Evening with 

Willie Orr



Monday 17th March at 7.00pm

at the Chieftain Hotel, Millburn Road

(Also available live on Zoom)

(Please remember new day of the week and new venue)


March 17 Willie Orr Absolute Final with text and red star (002).jpg

More about Willie Orr, writer of historical novels, short stories, plays and radio plays

Willie Orr was born in 1940 in Northern Ireland. After a public school education, he turned his back on the values of his parents, working for a time in the Belfast shipyards and also as an actor in theatres throughout Ireland.

He then moved to Scotland and spent time in the Iona Community before becoming a shepherd and later a teacher. Enrolling in Stirling University as a mature student, Willie graduated in Scottish History and published Deer Forest, Landlords and Crofters.

Continuing to chart a highly varied career path, Willie also worked as a school counsellor for troubled adolescents, a research assistant for Tom Devine (with whom he worked on The Great Highland Famine), and a freelance journalist, mainly with The Scotsman.

He published two books in 2019 - The Shepherd and the Morning Star (an autobiography) - and a novel,  Mick about a cruelly fostered child in Scotland. In 2023 Shiaba was published, a novel set in the Isle of Mull during the Great Famine of 1846, with a sequel, Return to Shiaba in 2024. The third in the trilogy, Shiaba no more, is due in May 2025. Willie now lives in Benderloch, near Oban.

Hybrid HighlandLIT events:  privacy note


In order to facilitate access to events from HighlandLIT members and friends across the Highlands they will be livestreamed on Zoom. It will be visible only to those who have requested the URL.


The camera may pan across the audience at the venue at times during the event. Please note that in attending the event you are deemed to be accepting this procedure, unless you tell us at the start, in which case you can sit in a part of the audience which the camera will avoid.


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