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HighlandLIT invites submissions for a writing competition for adults. There will be two strands in the competition - one for prose (fiction or non-fiction), the other for poetry. Members of the HighlandLIT committee will judge the entries.

The theme, which can be interpreted in any way, is ‘Highland Light.’  The winning entries, together with other submissions as chosen by the editors, will appear in Highland Lights, an anthology in book form to be published in autumn 2018.

1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded for both prose, and poetry. In each case, the three prizes will be £50, £30 and £20 in Waterstone’s vouchers.

Competition rules

Entrants can submit one piece of prose no longer than 2000 words, and up to 3 poems of no more than 30 lines in total. There is an entry fee of £5.00

Entries must be submitted between 1st March 2018 and 31st August 2018.

The competition is open to everyone over the age of 16 regardless of place of residence, with the exception of HighlandLIT committee members.

The prizewinners will each receive one copy of the Highland Lights anthology free of charge. Other entrants whose work is included in the anthology will be entitled to a 50% discount on one copy per person.

Copyright remains with the authors.


The judges’ decision is final.  Winners will be notified by 30 September 2018.

How to submit your work

Online submission


First, pay the entry charge on-line - it's payable here via Paypal/Credit/Debit card.  We will then get in touch with you, and give you an entry number to use when submitting your work,

Next, email your entry to in a Word document using 12pt Times New Roman, double-spaced and accompanied by a cover sheet using this template  including: author’s first names and surname; contact email address and phone number; title of piece; indication whether it is ‘Poetry’ or ‘Prose’; word count, or in the case of poems line count; entry number.

Please note that the entry number should be included on each page of your entry, and that your name should not appear in your entry. This is so ensure that the judges are not aware of whose work they are assessing.

Hard copy submission


First, pay the entry charge, either in person or by cheque posted to the address below. We will give you an entry number to use when submitting your work.

Next, hand your entry in at a HighlandLIT meeting, or post it to HighlandLIT Competition, c/o Ms Patricia Salt, 40 Ardconnel street, Inverness IV23EX.  Your entry should be in a Word document using 12pt Times New Roman, double-spaced and accompanied by a cover sheet which should include: author’s first names and surname;  phone number; title of piece; indication whether it is ‘Poetry’ or ‘Prose’; word count, or in the case of poems line count; entry number.

Please note that the entry number should be included on each page of your entry, and that your name should not appear in your entry. This is so ensure that the judges are not aware of whose work they are assessing.

If you have any questions about the competition, please get in touch by emailing

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